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how to best keep clean a car in storage

how to best keep clean a car in storage

1. Clean your car before storage: You should make it a priority to give your car a thorough wash and wax before it is stored away for an extended period of time. This will help to protect the paint of the vehicle from UV damage and rust that may occur while in storage.

2. Avoid extreme temperatures: To prevent the interior and any parts underneath the car from getting too hot, make sure you store your vehicle in a place that is not too warm or humid.

3. Cover the car: If possible, you should cover the car while it is in storage. If you do not have a car cover, an old sheet or tarp can also do the job.

4. Keep the car ventilated: Make sure the area where you are storing the car is well ventilated with the windows cracked open to prevent mold and mildew from growing inside the car.

5. Disconnect the battery: Disconnect the battery to prevent corrosion and keep it in a cool, dry place to preserve the life of the battery.

6. Change the oil: If your car is due for an oil change, it’s best to get it done before you store the car away for an extended period of time. This will help to keep the engine in good condition and ready to start up when you’re ready to take it out of storage.